Become The Perfect Conversion Partner Toolkit: Bootcamp (AUG '23)

If you’re a mortgage professional who wants to UNFREEZE BUYERS and become a CONVERSION ENGINE for Realtors in today’s market, this toolkit is for you.
view_module Modules 6
menu_book Sessions 24

About This Product:

$499/Month for 3 Months (for a total  of $1497) 


We are fighting the same uphill battle, we get it.

The good news is, Triibe has 5 Co-Creators with over 97 years of experience and an army of Mortgage Branch Managers and Loan Officers on the front lines of every issue you’re facing.


Learn how to move buyers OFF the fence and into homes during this opportune time! 

Our goal is to leapfrog you over the confusing phase of trying to figure out where to begin and what to do/say through trial and error. This toolkit provides a 1-2 year short cut.

Module 1 will train you on how to UNFREEZE buyers (which also validates you as the perfect conversion engine for your Realtor partners). Specifically, it will teach you what to present to potential buyers to acquire and move them from “I’m not sure” to “I can’t wait.”

Module 2 will train you on what you should present to Realtors to acquire and serve them as partners. In this market. Realtors have become FROZEN. They don’t know how to help buyers get into homes because of both the lack of inventory and because of affordability issues due to high interest rates. It is IMPERATIVE that YOU become the person who can help them get buyers OFF the fence. This module trains you to introduce and share your value with Realtors. 

When you complete the course in full, you will have everything you need to UNFREEZE BUYERS and become the perfect conversion partner for Realtors.

The Bootcamp Package also includes:

  • 90-Day Implementation Plan 
  • 7 Live Coaching Webinars (Kick-Off Webinar is August 8th)
  • Barry Habib's Certified Mortgage Advisor® Course & Designation (Reg. $1995)


Webinar Schedule

August 8th @ 12:30pm PST

August 15th @ 12:00pm PST

August 29th @ 12:00pm PST

September 19th @ 12:00pm PST

October 5th @ 12:30pm PST

October 17th @ 12:00pm PST

October 31st @ 12:00pm PST

Program Details

Bootcamp 90-Day Implementation Plan
Available Now
Bootcamp Webinar Schedule
Available Now

Course Introduction: Become the Perfect Conversion Partner
Available Now

Module 1 Introduction: Buyer Conversion
Available Now
Session 1: Initial Call to Buyers
Available Now
Session 2: Dreams and Goals/Discovery Call
Available Now
Session 3.1: Pre-Purchase Consultation
Available Now
Session 3.2: Bulletproof Buyer 2.0 Presentation
Available Now
Session 4.1: Contract Meeting Including Lock/Float Strategy
Available Now
Session 4.2: Lock/Float Strategy Script for Buyers
Available Now

Module 2 Introduction: Realtor Acquisition
Available Now
Session 1.1: Getting Agents to “Lead Conversion in Ways You’ve Never Thought Of” Events
Available Now
Session 1.2: “Lead Conversion in Ways You’ve Never Thought Of” Presentation
Available Now
Session 2: Introductory Meeting with Realtors
Available Now
Session 3: Business Partnership Planning Meeting
Available Now

You've Finished!
Available Now

Webinar #1: Kick-Off
Available Now
Webinar #2: Initial Call to Buyers
Available Now
Webinar #3: Discovery and Goals Call, Pre-Purchase Consultation
Available Now
Bonus Webinar #1: Q&A with Ryan Grant 09/12/23
Available Now
Webinar #4: Bulletproof Buyer 2.0, Contract Meeting, Module 1 Wrap-Up
Available Now
Webinar #5: Lead Conversion in Ways You've Never Thought Of
Available Now
Webinar #6: Introductory Meeting with Realtors, Business Partnership Planning Meeting
Available Now
Webinar #7: Module 2 Wrap-Up, Entire Course Q&A
Available Now

What Do People Think About This Program?


Ellory Gordon
Oct 17, 2023
Daryn Fillis
Sep 15, 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed the program, specifically the portions with Ryan and Josh. The buyer lock strategy demo call seemed a bit clunky and the handoff to Mark's team didn't feel natural. Some feedback there would be to work on a script that brings the loan coordinator into the picture more naturally or perhaps even earlier in the process. You guys are doing amazing work and again, I am very pleased with the investment and the added bonus to get CMA Certification.
Kristie Shore
Oct 31, 2023
Ricky Walters
Nov 01, 2023
I love the videos that accompany the scripts. I keep going back to them to practice and perfect my presentations to buyers and realtors.
Tiffany Teel
Oct 31, 2023
There is a lot of information. Half of the presentations have scripts written out and the others you have to type them out yourself then edit out the instructing/conservation bit that are not relevant.

See Full Biography >

Triibe Coaching Co-Creators Josh Mettle, Ryan Grant, Mark Robertson, Danny Horanyi and Chris Ledlie have a collective 97 years of experience and have achieved these milestones: Have been ranked in the top 5 originators in the nation by volume, Lead the fastest growing Mortgage company in America, Hold the #1 Loan Officer spot in Orange County, California, for several years running, Host the “Infinite Financial Freedom” podcast, Serve on the Forbes Finance Council.

See Short Biography >

Access other courses by TRIIBE
Get This Course Today
$499.00 / Month
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Disclosure: Bootcamp is considered a pre-recorded course and has a 7 day cancellation policy, after which the full cost of the course is due & payable. As a courtesy, we accept 3 monthly payments. Individual’s experience may not represent the typical participant. Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Your results may vary.